Maude Maris, Alice Pichelin, Ji-Yeon Sung
One is from Normandy, another from Paris, the third Korean. There was no reason to bring them together, except a residency. It must be said, if this principle does not have to do with that of a working community and the fact of bringing together Maude Maris, Alice Pichelin and Ji-Yeon Sung, three young women artists, issues fromno particular aesthetic intent, that they do share certain issues in common. A matter of period and generation. The same applies to a line of thinking about the space which each one of these artists deals with, in accordance with their own concerns, in a dialectic interplay of relations, be it between outside and in, or one another, or oneself. In a World that is shedding points of reference, the matter of territory, be it physical or mental, is actually forever questioning artists.