Diane Benoit du Rey works and lives in Strasbourg. Graduated from the Haute école des arts du Rhin (HEAR) – High school of arts of Rhin where she was in Daniel Schlier’s workshop. She also spent some months at the School of arts of Edimbourg.
She considers painting as a sensibility that is status in the image she shows but dynamic thanks to the storytelling potential that stays out of the frame.
Residence project: Intervalles
« I suggest a drawn short movie project. The purpose will first be to appropriate the surrounding areas by filming them, the inhabitants, the colors and by capturing lights, silences and noises. In these materials, I will select the visual elements that stun me and then I will start a painting work. Filter the reality by using video, then by moving from video to paintings will give me the chance to question our relation to move and space. I will think the painted image as sequential spaces, as if the canvas were just a succession of freeze frames, elements of a story that exists out of its frame. This way, in intervals, in spaces, imagination will set.