Pauline Zenk
Born in 1984 in Marburg (Germany). Graduated from the Muthesius Academy of Design and Fine Arts of Kiel (Germany). Lives and works in Toulouse. My work deals with a revocation of memory through images. Inspired by Roland Barthes writings in “Camara Lucida” I work with photographs as “windows to other times” that yet tell us a...

Guillaume Coutances
Né en 1988 à Rouen. Diplômé de l’EESAB de Rennes. Vit et travaille à Tours. Je souhaite mettre en place une réflexion sur les nouvelles formes que prennent les représentations du corps, à l’heure où les avancées technologiques amènent à les penser différemment. C’est un processus entamé avec la série intitulée “Transitions”. Dans le cadre de la résidence,...

Magda Gebhardt
Born in 1981 in Porto Alegre (Brazil), graduated from the Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (ENSBA) – National higher school of fine arts of Lyon. She lives and works in Paris Supported by Yves Bélorgey, artist-painter, professor at the Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture – National higher school of architecture, Paris-Malaquais. During my residence in the...

Pierre Bellot
Born in 1990, graduated from the Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (ENSBA) – National higher school of fine arts of Paris. He lives and works in Chessy. He is supported by François Boisrond, artist-painter, professor at the Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (ENSBA) – National higher school of fine arts of Paris. “The subject is...

Diane Benoit du Rey
Diane Benoit du Rey works and lives in Strasbourg. Graduated from the Haute école des arts du Rhin (HEAR) – High school of arts of Rhin where she was in Daniel Schlier’s workshop. She also spent some months at the School of arts of Edimbourg. She considers painting as a sensibility that is status in...